
FBI Opens Inquiry into Israeli Military

FBI Opens Inquiry into Israeli Military


The United States Department of Justice has opened an investigation into the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was killed during fighting between Palestinian militants and the Israeli Defense Force in May. 

This investigation is being widely considered as “unprecedented” and has earned the anger of many in the Israeli government. Defense Minister Benny Gantz called the move a “grave mistake” and declared that Israel will not cooperate in the investigation, driving a wedge between the two closely allied nations. 

Shireen was in Jenin, West Bank, reporting for Al Jazeera when she and several other journalists found themselves in the midst of fighting between the IDF and insurgents. At some point in the fighting, Shireen was shot in the head with what the UN reported was an “armor piercing round”. Immediately following her death, the IDF raided her house as protests rocked the area with dozens wounded and arrested. Several Christian organizations, the European Union, the United States, the Palestinian Authority, and the Vatican all released statements disavowing the violence following her death, as well as the killing itself. 

Thousands attended the funeral procession as violence broke out among attendees and Israeli police (Mahmoud Illean/AP)


Since then Shireen’s family have been very vocal in attempting to seek justice, meeting with major political and spiritual leaders, including Pope Francis and U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. 24 Senate Democrats, 57 House Democrats, and several Republicans penned a bipartisan letter to President Joe Biden to open an inquiry into her death. Israel has repeatedly and openly rebuked any American involvement in the situation, with Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stating IDF Rules of Engagement “will be determined by IDF commanders, independent of any pressure – internal or external”. Prime Minister Yair Lapid wrote in a statement that the IDF “will not be investigated by the FBI or by any other foreign country or entity, however friendly it may be.”

Initially, the IDF blamed the killing on Palestinian gunmen, contrasting several reports that concluded that where Shireen was killed, and several others injured, was not near the initial reports of militants. Eyewitnesses and video evidence of the event noted that before her death, the area was vacant of both civilians and militants, with Shireen being marked in a blue vest labeled, “PRESS”. Due to these reports, the United States, European Union, and United Nations demanded an independent investigation. On June 24th, the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights concluded an investigation in which they determined the IDF has shot Shireen. On September 5th, Israel concluded its investigation where it determined there was a “high possibility” Shireen Abu Akleh was hit by accident. 

On the 15th of November, the Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed the United States FBI had opened an investigation into the killing, with Defense Minister Benny Gantz stating, “I made it clear to the American representatives that we stand behind the IDF soldiers, that we will not cooperate with any external investigation, and we will not allow interference in Israel’s internal affairs.”

Tony Abu Akleh, Shireen’s brother, told Al Jazeera the family was optimistic about the FBI inquiry, stating it’s “very important to hold those responsible accountable and prevent similar crimes.”

With over 130 deaths, this year has been the deadliest in the fighting between Palestine and Israel since 2006.


– Authored by GoodHistory contributor Joshua Paulo

Joshua Paulo
Joshua Paulo
Joshua Paulo founded GoodHistory in 2018 on the premise that news and history blend to make well-informed politics. He has a degree in Criminal Justice, a background in public service, and is studying for a Masters degree in International Relations. With several years of experience in analysis and journalism, he now leads a team of professionals and is a proud contributor to several publications, all revolving around a common desire to bring unbiased news information to the people.
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