
Iran Protests Continue Into 66th Day


Many locals have been injured as IRGC and other security forces opened fire on protests and other people with full auto firearms in various part of Iran, according to activists. Demonstrations and marches were met with gunfire which protestors responded to with rock throwing. Boycotts continued with many students and universities, small and large.

Across the country today marches and funeral processions for several killed protestors and teenagers are being held in different areas, some met with IRGC violence. Hard to find any where Iranian anti-regime slogans are not being chanted loudly during the procession. Strikes and demonstrations in a number of areas across North, West, South, and some East.

Protests and unrest have several different sources at this point in Iran, some economic, some social, some regional and independence movements. However the death of Masha Amini at the hands of government thugs, and the deaths and injuries of many young people including women and girls who were slain or attacked.

Many forms of unrest and direct action have manifested in recent months, including a slew of Molotov cocktail attacks on IRGC and Basij bases and offices, attacks on police, marches and chants to disrupt political activity, political and militant activism, to name a few.

PMOI (People’s Mojahiden Organization of Iran) reports that as of 9:00 pm Tehran time on November 20th, protests in Iran have expanded to 243 cities. Over 600 people killed and more than 30,000 arrested by the regime’s forces. The PMOI/MEK has published the names of 466 killed protesters.
