


Dark Mode Available Effective Immediately.


Ask and you shall all receive.

Effective immediately, Dark Mode is now enabled and available on the app in the settings tab. Dark mode has three different modes, as every other app does. They are:

  • Enabled – Always on and will never shut off
  • System Default – Whenever your phone recognizes a certain time, dark room, dark time change or personal settings set, it will change. If you have a specific setting to dim your phone, change to dark mode, or change from blue to yellow light at a certain time of day you have set, this is when the system default Atlas App will change to dark mode.
  • Disabled – If you don’t understand what this mode means, please throw your phone out of the window, we have some work to do.

As you’d assume, it takes a bit to work on the coding details and get an app up to speed with logic and user flows. It has taken us about 30 days to get this live and its finally here. This mode should work as we have tested it on a staging website as well as a TestFlight Beta app version. If there are any small glitches or problems, please use the “Send Feedback on the App” function in the settings tab. We do check everyone we get and have made all adjustments when recommendations come in (like dark mode).

Other Updates & Features Coming

We will touch on these later, but we want to make you aware of other features and updates we are bringing and briefly touch on them.

  1. Server Upgrades
    1. We are aware that when we send a push notification it sometimes gets “hung” on loading and takes anywhere from 10 seconds or more to load. This is simply because we have so many people clicking on the Push Notification at a single time it overloads the server. We are working on it and switching servers. Update coming next week.
  2. Comment Section
    1. We are working on implementing a comment section within the app. This falls under the umbrella of freedom of content and comments that are flagged or deleted on social media and other channels. What we are working on is the logic and SSO (Single Sign-On) feature that allows for comment and account follow threads–meaning you can like, dislike, emote, gift, awards, and all the features that Reddit Style comments have. A possible option we are looking at is the ability for different “rooms” to have chat and conversation in rather than just comment sections on each story. Update coming soon.
  3. Fourth Tab
    1. This is still a kept secret till it is ready and we launch within the app–but we are working on a 4th tab (other than settings) that we will roll out soon. It will auto-update when it’s ready and we will let you know when it does, but we are actively working daily on adding more content and features to the app. Update coming soon.
  4. Few other Updates coming.


Thank you all for supporting and helping us along the way. As always, email us at news@staging.theatlasnews.co with any ideas, features you would like to see, or suggestions. Looking forward to mode updates. Stay tuned.

Stephen Nix
Stephen Nixhttps://staging.theatlasnews.co
Chief Executive Officer of Atlas News. Responsible for day-to-day operations and growth of the company in line with the vision of the readers and founders.
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