
Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko Leaves Ukraine

Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko Leaves Ukraine


On May 27th and 28th, former Ukrainian President Poroshenko attempted to leave Ukraine for the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Vilnius , Lithuania on the 29th and then the European Peoples Party Summit in Rotterdam on the 31st. In an open letter to President Zelensky, the former President acknowledged the disruption to his travels resulted in him missing the NATO summit.

After two unsuccessful attempts in which Ukrainian border guards denied his request, he was apparently given permission earlier today and left Ukraine. In an open letter to Zelensky, published yesterday, the former President said:

“There is a corresponding official invitation from the President of the European People’s Party. There is a business trip signed by the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. My speeches are planned at the EPP congress and summit, a number of meetings with the leaders of the EU, states and governments of countries, leaders of European parties”.

Poroshenko expressed hope that after the disruption of his trip as part of the official parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, his trip to Rotterdam would be honored :

“the conclusions have been made and no one will interfere with my departure to Rotterdam.”
“Against the background of an external threat, it is extremely important to maintain the unity and coordination of our efforts, avoid any internal strife and work together on all possible international platforms, especially such weighty ones as the European People’s Party,” he said.
“The second signal is to support Ukraine in rebuffing Putin’s aggression and restoring territorial integrity. This is our common war, and therefore give Ukraine more weapons, and more sanctions for rashists! The third signal is the provision of sufficient financial assistance to our state during the war and the approval of the Marshall Plan 2.0 for post-war reconstruction, ”the letter says.
Tessaron Former United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. United States Naval Academy alumni and current graduate student in Intelligence Analysis at American Military University. Covering flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.
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