
Ukrainian Forces Conduct Missile Strikes Throughout Country

Ukrainian Forces Conduct Missile Strikes Throughout Country


In the last 12 hours, Ukrainian missile strikes have neutralized two high profile Russian targets on Ukrainian soil. The first being an ammunition depot in Shakhtarak, Donetsk and the second, the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant in Nova, Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast.

Ukrainian artillery and missile batteries near the contact line in Horivka have conducted a barrage of strikes against Russian positions in the Donetsk Oblast, as Russian units are also doing as both sides prepare to break the static line that has evolved around Donetsk. 10 hours ago civilians and Russian soldiers posted various videos on VL and Telegram showing the destruction of a munitions warehouse. As the situation in Luhansk became more untenable, Ukrainian planners rushed Western supplied artillery and surface-to-surface missiles to the Donetsk contact line, where it seems they are being put to good use.

Simultaneously, Ukrainian missiles struck the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant in Nova, Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast. Odesa Oblast Administrative Spokesperson Bratchuk told press that dozens of Russian soldiers as well as air defense units were destroyed in the strike.

Also, yesterday, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed to have shot down several Ukrainian aircraft conducting strikes against Russian troops near Kherson. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense claimed several Ukrainian Mi-28s were assisting infantry movements North of Kherson in what seems like a fresh offensive against the Russian occupied city. The two most kinetic fronts of the war are currently outside of Donetsk and Kherson with differing Russian and Ukrainian advantages in the respective fronts.

Tessaron Former United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. United States Naval Academy alumni and current graduate student in Intelligence Analysis at American Military University. Covering flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.
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