
Danish Military Researcher on how Nord Stream Exploded

Danish Military Researcher on how Nord Stream Exploded


A military researcher at the Royal Danish Defense College, Kenneth Buhl recently gave his thoughts on what likely happened to the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline. He claimed, “The tools exist and have, as it were, already been developed. In order to sabotage such a pipe, it is most obvious to blow it up with an explosive charge, which is placed on the pipe.”

Kenneth Buhl, researcher at the Danish Royal Defense College

His theory on how they were likely placed on the pipeline is by underwater drones. He went on to elaborate by saying, “The drones are remote-controlled, and then they sail down and locate exactly where the wires are located. From here, they place a bomb next to it, sail away, and then poof.” He also suspects the bombs may have been there for a long time.

It was then pointed out if underwater remote controlled drones were used, it likely occurred at night to take advantage of the darkness. Without the sun, a civilian ship easily could have been used during the operation without causing attention.

His belief is that the attack was likely carried out by the Russians who in the past have successfully designed mini-submarines with the ability to function at the sea’s floor.

The Filthy American
The Filthy American
Formerly a resident of Iraqi Kurdistan during the Iraq war, now in the American south. Writing about conflicts, culture, geopolitics and anything I think a reader will find worth reading.
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