
The Filthy American


About Me

Formerly a resident of Iraqi Kurdistan during the Iraq war, now in the American south. Writing about conflicts, culture, geopolitics and anything I think a reader will find worth reading.



The pro-Russian reaction to the New Year’s Eve strike that killed hundreds of RU military members

Early on New Year's Day, information began surfacing that detailed a Ukrainian strike on a school housing Russian troops in Donetsk. As with most reporting concerning this war, there were different narratives about how many died and the details surrounding...

The art and festive moments from Ukraine’s wartime Christmas

As the war in Ukraine has continued to Christmas, a fair bit of war-themed Christmas art was created. This art is interesting as it combines war with a holiday widely associated with peace, family, gifts, joy, and so on. Unsurprisingly, pictures...

Zelenskyy set to meet with Biden at White House

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be meeting with Joe Biden at the White House today. After the meeting, Zelenskyy will then address a joint session of Congress. The White House website has also said that Joe Biden will announce a "significant...

Japan, Italy and the UK Announce Joint Development of Next Generation Fighter

It was recently announced that Japan, Italy, and the UK will jointly develop a new next-generation fighter aircraft with a due date of entering service sometime in the mid-2030s. This new aircraft is set to replace the multinational Eurofighter Typhoon. Work...

Thousands of Political Activists Arrested Ahead of Protest in Bangladesh

On Wednesday, police killed one and wounded more than 60 people in the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka. This occurred when the police opened fire on activists and members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party who were protesting in front of...

25 People in Germany Arrested for Planning Coup

Early Wednesday, 25 German nationals connected to a far-right terrorist group were arrested for their suspected planning of a coup to overthrow the current German government. An active-duty German soldier and a handful of reservists are among those being investigated. The...

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