
The Renegade


About Me

California-based grassroots journalist and internationalist organizer.



Interview With a Commander In YPG International

In the Syrian Civil War there exists an international unit of the People's Protection Units (YPG International), which has operated in the war against ISIS and more recently against Turkish invasions of the region. A unit of the Syrian...

Komala Parties of Kurdistan Reunite Amid Escalated Iranian Strikes

For context on the Komala parties and their situation, see "Interview With Kurdish Guerrillas In Komala." Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan has announced that the three Komala factions have reunited following escalated Iranian strikes and threats against the movement near...

Report-Back From Northern Syria: Talking With an Assyrian Anarchist In Qamishlo

(All photos: The Renegade/Atlas News) Assyrian-Syriac-Chaldean peoples, the original inhabitants of modern-day Syria which the state owes its name to, have lived in the region for millennia. Today they reside mostly in the northeast of Syria, where they have autonomous...

Interview With Kurdish Guerrillas In Komala

The following is an excerpt from “Alongside Komala Guerrillas In the Mountains of Kurdistan,” detailing The Renegade’s experiences visiting Komala. All photos (approved by Komala): The Renegade. Zrgwez village, Bashur (Kurdistan Region, Iraqi Kurdistan). October 2022. Zrgwez - A Komala Town “Gundê...

Rebel Forces in Burma Inch Closer to the Bangladeshi Border

Today the Arakan Army launched a successful assault on Tatmadaw (Burmese military) positions in Maungdaw near the border of Bangladesh, capturing an outpost, three soldiers, and a range of weapons/munitions. Multiple police and Tatmadaw personnel were killed while no...

LEAK: The FBI Has Infiltrated r/antiwork Subreddit

The over 2.2 million member subreddit r/antiwork, which was subject to a large swarm of trolls after a Fox News interview in January 2022, appears to have been infiltrated by an FBI informant who may have enabled multiple arrests...

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