
Estonian Prime Minister Resigns

Estonian Prime Minister Resigns


Update (1405 EST): The Estonian President Karis has accepted the Prime Minister’s resignation, saying it is completely within the spirit of the constitution, then immediately added her name to the candidate list for Prime Minister after Kallas announced she had reached a coalition with the aforementioned parties.

Estonian Prime Minister Kallas has confirmed her resignation to local Estonian media, after weeks of government turmoil when she fired cabinet members of the Centre Party, lingering from PM Ratas’ time in office which ended in January of 2021 over corruption probes. She now seeks to form a majority with Estonia’s Social Democrats and the nationalist Pro Patria party.

“ I made this proposal myself, because if I simply appointed new ministers, there would be a lot of noise and dissatisfaction,” said Kallas, adding that the Riigikogu must be convened for this.

Kallas said that they wanted to form a new government as soon as possible, but it might be difficult to convene the Riigikogu as the summer holidays had already begun.

 “Good agreements are always agreements with which everyone cannot be completely satisfied, and this is a fact,” Kallas said and added that all political parties had to make compromises.

“It is important that in the current situation we have a functioning majority government, and it is important for me that we reform Estonian-language education and take the necessary steps to help people cope with the crisis,” the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Kallas has enjoyed popularity since being elected as a harsh Putin critic in the face of increased Russian aggression in Europe. It is probable she will win re-election with her new planned coalition to tackle social problems in Estonia such as subsidized childcare and Estonian language education beginning in kindergarten.

However, national elections during such a critical time of Baltic States standing up to Russian aggression in Ukraine could represent an opportunity for Russian influence.

Tessaron Former United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. United States Naval Academy alumni and current graduate student in Intelligence Analysis at American Military University. Covering flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.
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