
Armed Group Takes 70 Hostages in the Amazon, Protests Government Inaction on Oil Spill


A group of tourists, including nationals and foreigners, was intercepted by villagers while crossing the Cuninico River by boat.
RPP Noticias

According to 20Minutemen, the leader of the Cuninico community in Urartian’s, Peru, Watson Trujillo has announced that their village has taken up to 70 western citizens hostage in order to force government action on an oil spill that is impacting their community.

This was to “catch the government’s attention with this action, there are foreigners and locals, they are about 70 people,” Watson Trujillo, the Apu (leader) of the Cuninico community, told RPP radio.

Nationals from the United States, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. Women and children are among the passengers on a River boat that was captured by the villagers.

The oil leak occurred on September 16, which caused the spillage of approximately 2,500 tonnes of crude in the Cuninico river. , government officials have not sent a delegation to investigate, so the villagers have taken hostages to force a response, so says Trujillo.

