
Brazilian Airman Shot Dead, Defense Ministry Headquarters


Local Brazilian media reported that this morning, around 0730 EST, during guard changeover at the Brazilian Defense Ministry Headquarters in Brasillia, an Air Force member shot and killed his counterpart with his service pistol. Kauan Jesus Duarte (pictured below), 19, was pronounced dead on the scene after the fire department responded to the shooting.

Felipe de Carvalho (pictured below), reportedly shot and killed Duarte when the two had a heated exchange during duty turnover. It is not clear who was oncoming or off going, but during the verbal argument, Carvalho shot Duarte in the head with his service pistol. The altercation began over the shift change.

The Brazilian Ministry of Defense published a note expressing its condolences to the victim’s family:

“It is with a deep feeling of sadness and regret that the Ministry of Defense regrets the incident that took place, this Saturday morning (19.11), in the guard’s accommodation, located in the building attached to the Pasta, and which killed fire, a member of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB)”, says the note.

“The Ministry extends condolences to family and friends for the irreparable loss. In this moment of pain, the Defense joins the demonstrations of solidarity and support for the family, as well as accompanying the verification and investigation of the facts, to be conducted by the Air Force”, completes the text.
