
Kosovo Postpones Decision to Implement Fines on Serbian Plates


As this publication covered earlier today, tensions have been rising over the past forty-eight hours as the twice-postponed deadline over Kosovar fines on Serbian issues license plates has come and gone. By 1600 EST today, both the Serbian and Kosovo governments seemed to be ratcheting up tensions as Serbian President Vucic announced a meeting was to be held with his defense ministers this evening.

However, at 1837 EST, US Ambassador to Kosovo Hoveneir announced that Kosovo had agreed to suspend the fines on Serbian license plates again, for forty-eight hours so US and EU allies could further negotiate with each side.


Kosovo Prime Minister Kurti, at the request of the US and several Kosovo leaders including former Kosovo Prime Minister Haradinaj, agreed to the third delay of fines in order to “work with the US and the EU to find a solution during the next two days.”
