
Lukashenko makes statements on “audit” of the Belarusian military


Today, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko met with officials to discuss the recent audit meant to gauge the readiness of the Belarusian military.

Throughout his statements, there were two aspects I found noteworthy.

The first was Lukashenko’s acknowledgment of how the Belarusian military apparently missed the mark during this audit.

Lukashenko said, “I’ll tell you straight, without hiding anything, so that we don’t click our heels and shout cheers: there were shortcomings. I would like attention to be focused on these shortcomings today. Because in the event of hostilities, these shortcomings will become critical – people will die. This cannot be allowed”.

The second noteworthy aspect of Lukashenko’s statements is his multiple references to conspiracy theories that surround the plans of the Belarusian military.

He brought this up when he said, “I want to answer all sorts of rumors that appear in our society, especially on the internet, about the movement of the armed forces of Belarus and the joint movement of the armed forces of Belarus and Russia… We are moving both the joint grouping of armed forces and our armed forces to where we see fit. Period. No other plan, no conspiracy theories”.
