
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Rocket Attack Against Taliban Meeting

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Rocket Attack Against Taliban Meeting


Details have been shotty, but ISIS militants have claimed responsibility for a salvo of four rockets launched at the ongoing Taliban Loya Jirga at Kabul Polytechnic Institute about 10 hours ago. This is the second attack against the meeting following the ANRF claimed operation in which now three gunmen have been killed and at least one captured by the Taliban.

ISIS members have claimed that they inflicted serious injuries and kidnapped several Taliban members during their complex attack including IED detonations. However, the Taliban have not publicly commented on any injuries or deaths from either attack.

The Loya Jirga has reportedly ended as tribal leaders have been moved to different areas of Kabul after the second attack. Both these attacks are indicative of the crumbling security situation in Afghanistan as the interim government is plagued by militant groups and a humanitarian crisis caused by drought, the collapse of American infrastructure and support, and the recent 6.0 earthquake that killed more than 2,000 near Khost.

Tessaron Former United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. United States Naval Academy alumni and current graduate student in Intelligence Analysis at American Military University. Covering flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.
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