
Azerbaijan Shells Several Armenian Border Towns

Azerbaijan Shells Several Armenian Border Towns


Update (2027 EST):

Update (2026 EST): From the Armenian Prime Minister:

“A session of the Security Council was held under the leadership of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in which the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan and the President of the National Assembly Alen Simonyan participated in addition to the Security Council members.

Further steps aimed at counteracting the aggressive actions by Azerbaijan against the sovereign territory of Armenia that started at midnight were discussed at the meeting.

It was decided to officially address the Russian Federation to the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the UN Security Council in order to implement the provisions of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance regarding the aggression against the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia.”Update (2025 EST): The Armenian Prime Minister held a phone call with Russian President Putin, the official message:

“Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a telephone conversation with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The Prime Minister conveyed details about the provocative, aggressive actions by the Azerbaijani armed forces in the direction of the sovereign territory of Armenia, which began at midnight, which were accompanied by firing from artillery and large-caliber firearms.

Nikol Pashinyan considered the actions of the Azerbaijani side unacceptable and emphasized the importance of an adequate reaction of the international community.

The interlocutors agreed to be in operational contact.”

Update (1858 EST):

One hour ago explosions were reported in several Armenian border cities such as Goris, Sotk, Qafan, and Jermuk.


The Azerbaijani Minister of Defense made this announcement 20 minutes ago:

“At night on September 12, units of the Armenian armed forces committed large-scale sabotage in the directions of Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin of the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border.
Subversive teams of the Armenian armed forces have mined the areas and supply roads between the positions of the units of the Azerbaijani Army in different directions, using the mountainous relief of the area and existing ravines in the dark.

As a result of urgent measures taken by our units in order to immediately prevent these acts, a battle took place.

Some positions, shelters and bases of the Azerbaijani Army in the territory of Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin regions by the units of the Armenian armed forces located in the direction of Basarkecher, Istisu, Garakilsa and Gorus settlements were fired with various types of weapons, including mortars. As a result, there are losses among personnel, damage to military infrastructure.

In order to prevent the provocation of the armed forces of Armenia and military threats against the territory and sovereignty of our country, and to ensure the safety of our military personnel, including civilian workers involved in infrastructure works in the territory of Kalbajar and Lachin regions, decisive response measures are being taken by the units of the Azerbaijan Army deployed in this direction.

Necessary measures are being taken in order to silence the firing points of the Armenian armed forces and prevent the expansion of the scale of the military conflict.

There are losses among the personnel and combat equipment of the armed forces of Armenia involved in the sabotage operations.

In general, during the last month, the provocations of the Armenian armed forces in the direction of the Lachin, Gadabey, Dashkasan and Kalbajar regions of the state border, and the firing of the positions of the Azerbaijani Army in those regions with various types of weapons, were intensive and systematic. At the same time, Armenia was observing the concentration of offensive weapons, heavy artillery and personnel along the borders of Azerbaijan.
All these facts indicated once again that Armenia is preparing for a large-scale military provocation.

With such actions, Armenia also aims to slow down the implementation of large-scale civil infrastructure projects implemented by Azerbaijan in the border regions freed from occupation and to maintain an atmosphere of tension near the borders of Azerbaijan.
We declare once again that the military and political leadership of Armenia is fully responsible for the provocation, conflict and losses.
Additional information will be provided to the public about the situation.”

This statement infers that these strikes do not indicate a full scale invasion, but we will continue to monitor the situation.

Tessaron Former United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. United States Naval Academy alumni and current graduate student in Intelligence Analysis at American Military University. Covering flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.
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