
Ukrainians Capture Iranian Mohajer-6 UAS

Ukrainians Capture Iranian Mohajer-6 UAS


Update (1600 EST):

From the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry:

In order to fulfill the mandate of the President of Ukraine to take urgent measures to respond to the facts of the use of Iranian-made weapons by the Russian Federation troops on the territory of Ukraine, on September 23, the temporary charge d’affaires of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ukraine was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The Iranian side was told that the supply of Iranian weapons to Russia for its further use by Russian troops against the Ukrainian civilian population and the Defense Forces directly contradicts the position of neutrality, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, publicly declared by the top leadership of Iran. Supplying weapons to Russia to wage war against Ukraine is an unfriendly act that deals a serious blow to Ukraine-Iran relations.

In response to such an unfriendly act, the Ukrainian side decided to revoke the accreditation of the Iranian ambassador to Ukraine, as well as to significantly reduce the number of diplomatic staff at the Iranian embassy in Kyiv.”

Footage has surfaced in the last hour showing what appears to be Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel towing a Mohajer-6 Group IV UAS. Sources claim the UAS was downed by Ukrainians Army South in the vicinity of Odesa.


Tessaron Former United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. United States Naval Academy alumni and current graduate student in Intelligence Analysis at American Military University. Covering flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.
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