
Insider Attack Kills NGO Worker, Injures UN Pilot, Dambao, Nigeria

Insider Attack Kills NGO Worker, Injures UN Pilot, Dambao, Nigeria


The Nigerian Army has officially announced that one of their soldiers shot and killed an NGO worker at a Nigerian military base and injured a United Nations helicopter co-pilot. The shooter was immediately “neutralized” by responding soldiers. The pilot has been stabilized. The bodies of the two men have been moved to the 7th Division Hospital near Damboa. The base belongs to the 7th Division which was stood up in August 2013 to combat Boko Haram in Northeast Nigeria.

This has not been the first incident of personnel from the 7th Division, in 2014 members of the unit executed a mutiny after having suffered heavy losses during the Chibok ambush. On May 13th, 2014, soldiers of the 7th Division were ordered to make a night movement to look for kidnapped girls in the vicinity of Chibok. During that movement, 12 soldiers were killed. Major General Ahmadu Mohammed, the 7th Division commander came to pay respect to the dead soldiers, and was immediately fired upon by some disgruntled soldiers.The general was uninjured, but his bodyguards received minor wounds.

In late 2014, a military court convicted 18 soldiers in the incident; 12 were sentenced to death, five were discharged from the military, and one was sentenced to 28 days with hard labor. Major General Mohammed, the target of the mutiny, was immediately reassigned.
While today’s incident has not been classified as a terrorist’s attack by an infiltrator, the historic disciplinary problem of the 7th Division should serve as a warning to coalition partners wishing to work with this unit.
Tessaron Former United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. United States Naval Academy alumni and current graduate student in Intelligence Analysis at American Military University. Covering flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.
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