
Komala Parties of Kurdistan Reunite Amid Escalated Iranian Strikes

Komala Parties of Kurdistan Reunite Amid Escalated Iranian Strikes


For context on the Komala parties and their situation, see “Interview With Kurdish Guerrillas In Komala.”

Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan has announced that the three Komala factions have reunited following escalated Iranian strikes and threats against the movement near Sulaymaniyah, and also in support of the ongoing uprising in Rojhelat (Iranian-occupied Kurdistan). It is unclear what this means structurally, or what changes will be made if this announcement is true. A similar announcement was made in 2017, but never materialized, as the three factions remained separate both structurally and ideologically.

The Renegade
The Renegadehttp://therenegadeconflictjournal.com
California-based grassroots journalist and internationalist organizer.
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