
EU Grants Ukraine and Moldova Candidate Status, Georgia Must Wait

EU Grants Ukraine and Moldova Candidate Status, Georgia Must Wait


Ukraine and Moldova have been granted EU candidate status, according to President of the European Council (EUCO) Charles Michel.

Michel also announced that “The EUCO decided to recognize the European perspective of Georgia and is ready to grant candidate status once the outstanding priorities are addressed.”

According to the EU European Commission:

Ukraine overall is well advanced in reaching the stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities; has continued its strong macro-economic record, demonstrating a noteworthy resilience with macroeconomic and financial stability, while needing to continue ambitious structural economic reforms; and has gradually approximated to substantial elements of the EU acquis in many areas.

Moldova has a solid foundation in place to reach the stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities; macroeconomic policies have been reasonably sound and progress has been made in strengthening the financial sector and business environment but key economic reforms remain to be undertaken; the country has established a solid basis to further alignment with the EU acquis.

Georgia has a foundation in place to reach the stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities, even if recent developments have undermined the country’s progress; it has achieved a good degree of macroeconomic stability and has a sound record of economic policy and a favorable business environment, but further reforms are needed to improve the functioning of its market economy; and overall, Georgia has established a solid basis for further alignment with the EU acquis.

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