
Tag: Capitalism



Lebanese Citizens Withdraw Funds by Force as Financial Crisis Intensifies

Lebanese woman Sali Hafiz stormed BLOM Bank in Beirut with a fake gun demanding she withdraw money to pay for her sister’s cancer treatment today. She was successful. A separate armed storming at Bank Med was also reported about an hour afterward, and was also successful. Armed withdrawals are...

The Renegade Reporting Live from Wood Street Sweep in Oakland

https://www.instagram.com/p/CiakxjdLPHZ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= CalTrans, in collaboration with California Highway Patrol (CHP), is displacing hundreds of residents on Wood Street in Oakland, granting them no services and nowhere to go in the midst of a heat wave. Multiple residents have been arrested for staying with their belongings. The sweep continues this week. @cobonwood project...

Indigenous Communities of Southern Mexico Face Onslaught of Corporate Paramilitary Violence

Earlier this month, the indigenous Zapatista communities of Nuevo San Gregorio and Moisés Gandhi were displaced following a wave of aggression from the corporate paramilitary Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO). The paramilitary not only occupied the land and drove out its indigenous population, it also destroyed...

Son of Dictator to Declare Victory in Philippine Presidential Election

Election polls have closed in the Philippines with son of right-wing dictator Ferdinand Marcos, Bongbong Marcos, leading by a wide margin in the polls. He is expected to declare victory soon. The Marcos family holds the Guinness World Record for greatest theft from a state, having stolen $5-10 billion USD...

The IMF is Not Welcome in Buenos Aires

On Thursday March 10, thousands of protesters demonstrated at the National Congress in Buenos Aires against an imminent bill approving $45 billion in loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Argentine state is already $18 billion in debt to the IMF, a debt steadily growing as 50% inflation plagues an...

Week's Recap
