
Tag: CIA



CIA Faces Operational Incompetency

The Central Intelligence Agency has made a statement reporting dozens of operatives and informants have been arrested, killed, or otherwise compromised throughout the world as whistleblowers continue to leak classified information and former agents discuss the agency's inadequacies. The United States has listed China, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan as having...

Ex-CIA Engineer Who Leaked “Vault 7” Hacks And Info To WikiLeaks Found Guilty

Joshua Schulte has been convicted of sending the CIA's "Vault 7" cyber-warfare tools to the whistle-blowing platform. He had denied the allegations since he was originally charged. He was convicted on July 13, 2022, at retrial on nine counts related to illegal handling of classified information and obstruction of...

CIA Adds Two New Stars to Memorial Wall, Indicating the Deaths of Two More Agents

Each star on the Memorial Wall at the CIA’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia, represents one agent or employee killed in the line of duty. On Monday, two more stars were added to the wall during an annual memorial ceremony, with the identities of those they represent remaining classified and...

Russia Threatens Deployment of Nuclear, Hypersonic Weapons in Baltics Over NATO Talks, Lithuania Says They Already Have Them In the Region, CIA Says Don’t...

A close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Russia would deploy nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles in the Baltic Europe region if Sweden and Finland joined NATO. Dmitry Medvedev the deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council said that if the two nations join NATO then Russia would...

Week's Recap
