


DPRK Media Release Reported Pictures and Statement on November 17th, Launch

North Korean state-owned media released these photos and a...


Dominoes Set for DPRK’s 7th Nuclear Test

On March 8th, 2022, the United States Intelligence Community released its 2022 Annual Threat Assessment, outlining the nation's significant adversaries. The Democratic Republic of North Korea (DPRK) was listed fourth, just below China, Russia, and Iran. This threat designation stems from decades of direct and indirect military confrontations between...

U.S. Misawa Air Base Issues Seek Cover Order Over DPRK ICBM Launch

Update (2119 EST): The Japanese Defense Ministry has stated that the missile has fallen off the west coast of Hokkaido, Japan. As this publication reported earlier, the North Koreans have launched a probable Inter-Continental Ballistic Missle (ICBM) from Sunan Airport, Pyongyang, a historical launch point for such missiles. The U.S....

Week's Recap
