


ISIS Claims to Have Killed 80 al-Qaeda Militants, Burkina Faso-Mali Border

The Islamic State has claimed in a press release...


Death of a Caliph: A Breakdown of What is Known

Overview: On November 30, the Islamic State announced that its Emir, Abu al-Hassan al-Qurashi, had been “killed in action” at some point, but did not provide details. Later that day, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed the death, adding that al-Qurashi was killed in a Free Syrian Army...

ISIS Leader Likely Killed in October Operation by Russian/ Syrian-backed “8th Brigade”

On November 30, the Islamic State announced that its Emir, Abu al-Hassan al-Qurashi, was “killed in action,” but did not provide any details as to where or when. Later that day, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed al-Qurashi’s death, saying that he was killed during a Free Syrian...

US CENTCOM Confirms Death of ISIS Leader

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) has confirmed the death of Islamic State leader Abu al-Hassan al-Qurashi, saying he was killed during a Free Syrian Army (FSA) operation in Dar’a, Syria, in mid-October of this year. Earlier today, the Islamic State announced through its media channels that al-Qurashi was...

ISIS Claims Leader has been Killed

The Islamic State, through its media channels, has claimed that its leader Abu al-Hassan al-Qurashi was “killed in action” without specifying any details as to when or where, adding that he has been replaced by a person named “Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi.” This development is particularly interesting as it comes...

Kurdish and US Officials Say Turkish Strikes in Syria Threaten Regional Security Against ISIS

Last Wednesday, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that it would suspend anti-Islamic State operations due to Turkey’s renewed airstrike campaign against Kurdish forces in Northern Syria amid threats of another Turkish ground force incursion into the region. Head of the SDF Media Center, Ferhad Shami, quoted SDF Commander in...

Chechen Police Officer Stabbed to Death in IS Inspired Attack

A Chechen police officer was fatally stabbed in Grozny on Monday in what appears to be an Islamic State inspired attack. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov reported to his Telegram channel that the officer was stabbed to death when he performing Wudu, which is a form of ablution in Islamic religion,...

Week's Recap
