
Tag: Protest


Clashes with Police in France After World Cup Win

After France's world cup win tonight, people clashed with...

Security Forces Prepare for Huge Protest on Saturday in Bangladesh

With the upcoming rally/protest planned by the Bangladesh National...

Protest Over Lack of Heating in Baoding, China

Chinese protesters in Baoding marched today to protest the...


200 French Environmental Activists Sabotage Lafarge-Holcim Marseille Cement Plant

On December 10th, at around 6 p.m., 200 environmental activists suddenly stormed and "invaded" a Lafarge company cement factory of La Malle in Bouc-Bel-Air in the Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in Southern France. Infrastructure at the plant was reportedly attacked using a variety of methods, including: sabotage of incinerators...

Thousands of Political Activists Arrested Ahead of Protest in Bangladesh

On Wednesday, police killed one and wounded more than 60 people in the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka. This occurred when the police opened fire on activists and members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party who were protesting in front of their party headquarters. https://twitter.com/MDABDULOHAB14/status/1600727695729754114?s=20&t=Cy-GfWJm9PNH0H4fDvkT_A According to local media, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party...

Thousands of Nurses and Midwifes on Strike in Australia

In protest of payment, thousands of nurses and midwives in Western Australia have walked off their jobs and gone on strike. The majority of those on strike held a rally outside of Western Australia's parliament building. A major demand is a five percent pay raise. https://twitter.com/_brianashepherd/status/1595974047254208514?s=20&t=cxbfsvI5ngKQC2IdKZBnFg   Reportedly, thousands of surgeries have...

Kurdish Protesters Have Driven Iranian Forces Out of Shno

The city of Shno (Oshnavieh) was taken by Kurdish protesters at about 1am local time on Saturday. Possibly with the help of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI), Kurdish protesters have driven out police forces and secured the perimeters of the city. Some reports indicate that protesters have started freeing...

On Island of Culebra, US Navy Bombings Leave Scars

The island Culebra is a jaunt from the Puerto Rican mainland. The ferry from Ceiba to the island is about an hour, depending on weather. About two miles northeast of Culebra’s port sits Playa Flamenco - one of the world’s best beaches and my ultimate destination on the island. Tourists,...

The Renegade Reporting Live From People’s Park Autonomous Zone in Berkeley, California

University of California, Berkeley and the City of Berkeley have sparked controversy after trying to demolish the public People’s Park to expand the UC Berkeley campus. Yesterday (August 3), police met significant resistance from protesters and withdrew from the park, leading to the creation of an autonomous zone. As...

Week's Recap
